Death Tinted Glasses is getting an Astro makeover

Greetings and Salutations, weird friends! It's been a while since my last post. Turns out I can’t do everything, no matter how much I want to! A year ago when I started this project I also started studying astrology. Now is the time to combine these two great passions of mine.  

Death Tinted Glasses is getting an Astro makeover
Photo by Jorge Gardner / Unsplash

Greetings and Salutations, weird friends!

It's been a while since my last post. Turns out I can’t do everything, no matter how much I want to! A year ago when I started this project I also started studying astrology. Now is the time to combine these two great passions of mine.  

Keeping the name and the mission to just fucking talk about death 

I will always see the world through death tinted glasses, and therefore I’m keeping the name. And the mission, at its core, remains the same. To just get people to actually think and talk about death in a real way. Death in all its many forms and guises. 

Adding Astrology Tinted Glasses

Moving forward, I’ll bring an astrological lens to this project. It's still too early to know exactly where the creative winds will blow me, but I expect I will touch on obvious things like celebrity death, as well as less obvious deaths like the ending of a job, or relationship, etc. And sometimes, the death lens and the astrology lens won’t line up, and I will talk about completely non death related astrological thoughts and ideas. Which leads me to:

I will also be adding astrological consults very soon! Totally non death related basic natal chart readings to start with. I’ve done plenty of book learning so far, so it’s time to start putting this knowledge into practice. One day I hope to have some sort of death related astrological consults, but I do not know yet what shape that will take. 

Sign up for my mailing list to be updated when I start offering natal chart readings!

Note: I absolutely will not predict your death! That’s not what Death Tinted Glasses is about! 

Longer term goal to have educations lectures and webinars

Once I have gained some basic experience of reading birth charts I also really look forward to providing educational content in the form of lectures or webinars. More on that later.  

Sign up for my mailing list to be updated when I start offering educational content!

Bringing the death lens and the astrology lens together

Below are few things I see in my natal chart that reflect my obsessions with death related topics

Saturn in the first house

Saturn is the planet of boundaries and limits. It is the most distant planet we can see with our naked eyes, which gives Saturn a natural association with death. Because what is death but a limit. A boundary between what is now and what comes next. This planet sits in my first house of self and life direction. 

Cancer in the 8th house of death

The 8th house is the place most associated with death in a birth chart. My 8th house of death is ruled by Cancer, a water sign ruled by the changeable moon. Water is representative of our emotions and intuition. Cancer (and all the water signs really) can’t help but feel big. And there are few things that invoke feelings as intense as death. 

The moon in Pisces in the 4th

My moon (ruled by cancer in the 8th house of death) lives in my 4th house of the home and family and ancestors, and is ruled by Pisces. The moon is happy in Pisces. It is an expansive, creative, and mystical sign with an infamous lack of boundaries. Society has put up all these walls around how we interact with death and my Pisces moon just wants to dissolve them all. 

Also, after working in a funeral home for a couple of years, I realized that I hate the “business” of death. None of it felt designed to help the grieving family. My search for alternative options led me into the world of home funerals, which to me feel much more aligned with my values. Astrologically speaking, it is also incredibly literal. My 8th house of death and 4th house of home are linked and I want to support home funerals. Sometimes astrology really is that obvious!  

Pluto in Scorpio in the 12th house of mystery

To top it all off, Scorpio, the final water sign, rules my 12th house of mystery and is where Pluto lives in my birth chart. Scorpio’s feelings run deep. Pluto has natural associations with death and the afterlife, and the mysteries of the 12th house just amplify all those significations. For most of human history Saturn has been the plant of death, being the most distant planet that we knew about until telescopes became advanced enough to finally detect Uranus, Neptune, and finally cold and distant Pluto. I’m currently considering the idea of Saturn as death and Pluto as the afterlife, or whatever the hell comes next. 

All that is to say, when I started learning about astrology, I was amazed to see so many things that are important drivers in my life reflected so clearly in my natal chart. It is a beautiful reminder to not give up on my dreams just because I haven't figured out how to accomplish them yet. Everything takes time and the planets have our back.  

In conclusion

Thank you for coming with me on this weird journey. I still don’t know the exact shape this project will take, but I’ve got a better idea now than I did a year ago. I am still very new to astrology, and there is so much I still don’t know. But as with all things, book learning can only get you so far. It is time to start applying the knowledge I’ve gained in the past year and start applying it to real people and real charts and real events. Because the thing is I will never know it all. Humans have been looking up at the stars and to understand events and patterns here on earth for literally thousands of years. I could do nothing but study astrology for the rest of my life and still not understand it all. Which is perfect for my Sagittarius rising. Ever the student and ever the teacher.  

Until next time, remember: If you want to taste the universe, eat a raspberry.